Notice of participation in the national competition: “New Generations” 2024

The National Chamber of Young Fashion Designers (CNGFD), coordinates and promotes the development of art in the broadest sense and fashion in all its facets in Italy and abroad. CNGFD’s absolute priority is to enhance, promote and support the emerging talents of the creative class, through the realization of initiatives and events aimed at them that represent opportunities for comparison, professional growth and visibility, both locally and nationally, summarized in the same chosen slogan “New Generations.” The Association considers it of fundamental importance, for the future of Made in Italy and the development of the entire sector, to enhance and invest in young talents, seeking the best combination of tradition and innovation, craftsmanship and culture.
The New Generations competition stems from the idea of amplifying the osmosis between the worlds of fashion, art and culture and representing a concrete help to the realization of the dreams of the many young creatives who participate while contributing to support Italian productivity.

The National Chamber of Young Fashion Designers (CNGFD), as the fashion sector association of UNSIC (National Union of Entrepreneurs and Farmers), within the scope of its institutional purposes, intended to promote and support the national competition dedicated to fashion and its young talents “NEW GENERATIONS” – edition 2024 that enhances their qualities.

The competition is aimed at

  • students enrolled in the last year of Secondary School, design and fashion;
  • students enrolled in Universities, Fashion Academies and/or other Postgraduate Institutes.

Causes of Exclusion:

  • Those who were first and second prize winners in the 2023 edition will not be eligible to participate in the competition;
  • Proposals developed as a group or team will not be accepted.

The Competition includes a single product section aimed at both Haute Couture and Pret-à- porter. Candidates will have to create the designs of two “Haute Couture” outfits or two “Pret-à-porter” outfits; the garments will be evaluated mainly on the basis of style, contemporaneity, originality and creativity, they must be at first glance pleasing and appealing, reflect a precise style, be “fashionable” in the stroke and technique of representation.

Entries for the competition must be made, in the manner̀ provided for in this announcement, from June 4, 2024 and no later than midnight on July 25, 2024, using the entry form available on the website to be sent, filled in and signed in every part, to the e-mail address:
Applications received after the deadline and/or by other means than those indicated will not be considered.
Participation in the competition is totally free of charge.

Contestants are required to send the following materials along with the entry form under penalty of ineligibility:

  • Concept and moodboard of the inspiration for making the sketches.
  • 2 outfits proposed in the form of sketches on a white background in PDF format each signed in original by the contestant;
  • Detailed technical sheet accompanying each submitted sketch containing all the technical characteristics of the materials of use, any applications or decorations and any other details or details useful for understanding them;
  • A close-up photo of the candidate in electronic format only (.jpg);
  • Copy of certificate of enrollment in current course of study;
  • Photocopy of a valid identity document;
  • Curriculum vitae of the candidate;
  • Authorization to participate signed by the exercising parental authority (exclusively for applicants who had not reached the age of majority on the date of sending the application);
  • All documentation related to the stylistic project illustration must be received in PDF format, the documentary part related to the candidate must be defined in PDF format.

Material found to be incomplete or not meeting the conditions specified in the announcement will not be considered and will be automatically excluded from the competition.

The submitted material will not be returned.

By signing the entry form, all participants in the Contest authorize and at the same time indemnify CNGFD from any liability (present and future) for the use and publication of the material produced, also authorizing CNGFD for the preservation, dissemination and publication of video-photographic materials.

Submission of the project and its components implies implicit consent to its use by CNGFD, for purposes of communication actions.

A Technical Committee, appointed by the CNGFD, will identify among all the proposals received those eligible under this call for proposals and among them will designate at its sole discretion the three finalists who will be awarded during the “lnternational Fashion Week” 2024 event to be held in September 2024.

The outcome of the selection of the winners will be given directly to the interested parties and their institutions by written communication, along with information on the date and location of the event. If within two days of the announcement of the winners, the winners do not confirm their participation, it will be the responsibility of the Committee to follow up on the ranking. The three finalists must proceed, at their own expense, to make the two outfits chosen by the Committee in a manner exactly in accordance with the submitted sketches and paying the utmost attention to the finishing touches and details.

The outfits made must be received at the designated location on the very day of the event “International Fashion Week” 2024, within which the outfits will be paraded and collected at the end of the evening. Models, makeup, hair and service for the finalists will be arranged and provided by the organization. Those who are unable to attend on the evening of the event must designate a substitute to carry and take care of the items to be paraded and collect the prize in their stead. If the designated substitute also fails to attend the event, the finalist will forfeit the right to receive the prize. Expenses related to accommodation and reaching the event location will be borne by the selected winners.

A commitment applies to the designated contestants to point out in their curriculum vitae and in documents related to any subsequent participation in fashion events their prerogative as finalists of the National Competition “NEW GENERATIONS” promoted and organized National Chamber of Young Fashion Designers (CNGFD).


– A Pro2cad modeling software worth 4,000.00 euros and a Pro2fashion designer/fashion designer software worth 3,000.00 euros provided by Pro2Dev.
– Scholarship worth 500.00 (five hundred) euros.
– Participation in International Fashion Week 2024.
– Participation in the events promoted by CNGFD.

– A Pro2cad pattern-making software worth 4,000.00 euros provided by Pro2Dev.
– Participation in International Fashion Week 2024.

– A Pro2fashion patternmaker/stylist software worth 3,000.00 euros provided by Pro2Dev.
– Participation in International Fashion Week 2024.

The candidate at the time of entering the Contest guarantees that the submitted content:
does not contain material in violation of any rights, positions or claims of third parties (with reference to the law on copyright and industrial property and other applicable laws or regulations); that it does not contain material that is obscene, pornographic, illicit, prohibited by law or contrary to the provisions of these Rules;
Applicants who participate in the Contest declare that they are aware that the responsibility, including criminal responsibility, for the content submitted for the purpose of participation lies with the applicant who submitted it.
The candidate agrees to hold CNGFD harmless from and against any claims, actions, or demands, including but not limited to legal and court costs, arising from the uploaded content or other materials provided to CNGFD.
The Chamber agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any claims, actions or legal proceedings.

Personal data collected under this initiative will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Chamber’s Privacy Policy, which you accept when you submit your application.
By accepting the privacy policy, the applicant gives explicit consent to the processing of personal data, i.e., their collection, use and communication in the manner provided therein.
Any changes to the privacy policy will be promptly published by the National Chamber of Young Fashion Designers by notice on the institutional website.
The candidate, in filling out the participation form, will be asked to confirm acceptance of consent for data processing and release for the publication and dissemination of images and videos, as well as publication of their works by the CNGFD (institutional sites, information newsletters, social media, events and streaming of events, other possible initiatives organized by the association).

For disputes arising in the interpretation and execution of these Regulations, only Italian Law will be applicable.
The place of jurisdiction will be the Court of Rome.


The jury must be impressed by something innovative.
Remember that designs will be judged on: creativity, originality and contemporaneity.
Put your heart and passion into it

Only if your sketches truly impress the jury

In conceiving your design, give free rein to your passion and the desire for achievement within you.
Don’t let this opportunity to enter the world of fashion pass you by.



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L’Association: "Camera Nazionale Giovani Fashion Designer", en sigle "CNGFD", n’a pas de but lucratif, est apolitique, non partisane et non confessionnelle...

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